Aug 31, 2021
A plague of fatsos have made chairs obsolete, a pilot throws a tantrum on a flight, lies about e-cigarettes, getting in altercations at a White Sox game, The Taliban goes to Mars, the WATP Live show, Chris the Kiwi calls in, the Madcast Media Network goes dark, and the Margarita question; all that and more this week on...
Aug 24, 2021
Never running out of beer, Payment processors declare war on porn, Australia declares war on foster dogs, "you can't make this up!", Larry Elder's blackface, army medals, the Tesla bot, Chinese military training, fat women in the Victoria's Secret mailer, big boobs on the handicapped, the work-at-home switcheroo,...
Aug 16, 2021
The Taliban is back in town, the boat is gone, the American gay pride flag is safe, The OC Fair ruins pig races, Catfish Ninja busts another ped*phile and plays taser tag with a trans woman, the Bella saga unwinds on the Killstream, "scientism", bad editing jobs on boob reveal GIFs, what to do about a nosey girlfriend;...
Aug 10, 2021
Chipping my tooth on the dog, The David AKA The Wiener Man, a fake fentanyl overdose, lynching Bella the Hero, Apple vs. your nudes, "unlawful parading", a whopping dad taxes on miles driven, the police fake a fentanyl overdose, NASA lies, the "guy who ate too much" emoji, Gonzo wears a dress, teenager appropriate...
Aug 3, 2021
Chris Chan breaks the Internet, the pronoun warriors over-swing, funding breast reductions, separate but equal job websites, PayPal joins forces with the ADL, #CancelRent, Karl calls in to argue about the Olympics, the case-counting runaway train, dog grooming licenses, and myth busting Lizzo's stage dive; all that and...