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The Dick Show

Oct 29, 2019

The Dr. Phil tapes are coming, Maddox pays his debt, Mental Jess plays #SlimeTime, men are barely funnier than women, the brain chemistry excuse, one more year until I'm dead, Vito has a card game, Jon who breaks bad news breaks bad news, Dame Pesos and Erik Wong have an argument, the civil war in Chile is a...

Oct 22, 2019

Paying my dad's social security, the Garbage-versary and the Garbages Goblin, men's experiences with men being emotional, over-crowded Halloween haunts, Cripp Daddy calls in to talk disabled Halloween costumes, back problems, avocado terrorism, things the army can fix, Ari gives a boob demonstration that I don't...

Oct 15, 2019

Maddox freaks out again for Spaghetti Week: Part Deux, children's duvets and the cucks who sleep in them, the Chinese Achilles heel of the invincible and the elite, Randy sends a long text, dating an older woman, Vic Lasagna loses his case, math is racist, "My Wife is Friends with a Pedophile's Wife", Nick Rekieta and...

Oct 8, 2019

I get the side-eye for laughing at the wrong parts of Joker, committing to the bit, the Alphabet Wars heat up over trans-women and their penises, eyeball wiggles, letting 17-year-olds vote, The Cotton Ceiling, impeachment, leaving the door unlocked, the in-group preferences of white liberals, cereal bandits, and...

Oct 1, 2019

Maker spaces ruined, poorly hidden packages, incels vs. The US Army, Maddox brags about stopping an imaginary mass shooter, Joey Salads calls in, how to break up with a girl, peeing over your own head, hazard lights, printed pictures look like garbage, Pedophastry and the scare of global warming, and Dame Pesos brings...