Sep 27, 2022
My Uber driver has a psychotic episode and drives into oncoming traffic, Ryan Long in studio, Kurt Metzger in studio, Dame Pesos calls in and drops some new stingers, refusal to wear the hijab, the kids and their non-dance music, an idiot tries to set themselves on fire, and women not trying to lose weight; all that and...
Sep 20, 2022
the big-boobed shop class lady, donut problems, Boogie steals my Fat Watch bit and a Mitch Hedgeberg joke, Kiwi Farms is taken offline by a trans activist, Beerfest, money for homeless women, fat food, non-binary comedians, and Chris the Kiwi has a girlfriend; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
Sep 13, 2022
Sending a black woman to the moon, Karl from "Who Are These Podcasts?" is in studio with clips from Female Dating Strategy, Ralph calls in to review the Salt Papi x Andy Warski fight, Def Noodles calls in about Salvo Pancakes and relationships, I honestly can't remember what else happened, and I caused 9/11; all that...