Nov 29, 2022
A gross commercial, all my favorite guys team up, some good old fashioned Satanic panic, skydiving shop teachers, #StayWoke merch, BDSM teddy bears, mandatory fun at work, getting even with a crazy woman, and the biggest Fat Watch yet; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
Nov 22, 2022
The Biggest Problem in Long Beach, HR and DEI get hit the hardest, Baked Alaska calls in about going to jail for January 6th, the balldo, and a listener gives money to his mom; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
Nov 15, 2022
A puzzling hernia, the billion dollars FTX/SEC/DNC scam perpetrated against normal guys, trivia election fraud, Vito's poop fee, the Biggest Problem live show, Christian dating tutorials, and the power dynamics of rich men; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
Nov 8, 2022
The end of Daylight Savings hoax, Big Tech teams up with the government, Dilbert threatens to kill himself, stopping Elliott Rodger before he explodes, wanting to be fat, banned from Twitter again, plus-size water bottles, and harrassment propaganda in the military; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
Nov 1, 2022
Winning a scam contest, all my exploding beers, Disney's first fat heroine, Aydin Paladin has some interesting studies on taxation and vindictive liberals, a golden erotic story, Paypal fights misinformation for no reason, Indignant Door Dashers who hold your foot hostage, and more problems with Pokemon; all that and...