Nov 27, 2018
"Winners Drink", my new drinking card game is ON SALE NOW, blown eulogies, how Nintendo has screwed us our entire lives, a four-hour blunder over "the map says!", Boomer football vs. Zoomer video games, flavored vapes and screw the children, the curse of the pinkie toe, The THOT Audit and Women: God's Tax on Life, how...
Nov 20, 2018
Civil War Games, Men Crying, hugging your kids with nuclear arms, the "Lethal Weapon" matinee in my pants, mom's crappy home WiFi, Johnny's dad's d*ck pic, Christopher the Kiwi proposes to his inmate girlfriend, Thanksgiving and everything wrong with it, fire sympathies, the ACLU, Red Dead Redemption 2 is turning frogs...
Nov 13, 2018
DIY saline ball improvement, the fattest woman in the world, P-Control, more broken toilets, the Boomer curse of braces, the amusement tax, feeding as a fetish, an endless loop Mexican ranchero music, cucks in the mass shooting meme, a Facebook meltdown, mosquito season, quinceaƱera season, update season, Dad's Guide...
Nov 6, 2018
De-platformed from charity, ten counts of stalking, The Wall Street Journal kills kids, sanctions are coming, Save Our Pets stickers, how to get your girlfriend to lose weight, screwing over your coworkers, my anti-charity, hate speech, holocaust denial, and celebrating the one-year anniversary of The Lolsuit; all that...