Mar 25, 2024
I lose the National Puzzling Championship, peeing outside, the Madame Web fakeout, guns for illegal aliens, squatters' rights, an excessive free speech warning from Canada, nuclear disarmament consultants, a AAA game developer writes in, a highschool slave auction, an Israeli man calls in to have an argument, and...
Mar 18, 2024
A meat intervention, the TikTok ban, Sean and Maddox go on a double date, The TENT Partnership program for refugees, the Yaira trailer, murder clearance rates, fat witches and weight journey spells, Dylan Mulvaney's video, the Black Panther game has a "no whites" policy, Riley 2 needs a new co-host (and to lose...
Mar 11, 2024
Sean breaks dozens of golf clubs, Karl's "Queer Kids Stuff" show, puzzle practice, Bible questions, Ralph drives a man into $500k in debt, more secret Maddox recordings, falling aid in Gaza, the Joe Rogan Killer, destroying a painting more better, Perspicacity calls in about Vickers and various things, Maddox the Meme...
Mar 4, 2024
Depictions of simulated tobacco use, Big Everything, getting out of a $200 carnival, hidden Maddox tapes are released, the city counsil slayer, "Aronofsky's Pi", Scrabble words that are not allowed, minimum wage exclusions for bread makers, the FBI combats racism in stock photography, DignifAI for thots, and Dagon...